And the winner of CNSA's First Annual Battle of the Classes is....
TRI: 1953
BASIC: 1909
ELM: 24
ADN: 349
.>>>>PRIZE for 1st place: FREE FOOD IN THE LEARNING CENTER AT 12:15pm for Trimester Students!!! See you there :) <<<
Once again, I would like to thank each and every one of my classmates who participated in this class competition. The idea started when I wanted a way for everyone to be as EXCITED about community service and helping others as I am. Looking back, this competition helped bring joy to children living with cancer through Joy Jars, helped provide food to the hungry during Thanksgiving, gave school supplies to families who had experienced domestic violence, showed support for the battle against suicide, breast cancer and heart disease, and gave joy to children of abuse with a toy and gave a smile to children who will be spending the holiday season in the hospital. All of these things mean more to me and those we helped than any amount of points can ever reflect. I am so proud to be the community service director of CNSA where I am supported by the best committee made up of beautiful, selfless people and be part of CSULB's nursing program where I have such wonderful classmates who take their own time to give back to those who truly need it. AND I CANNOT WAIT to continue this class competition next semester!
Best xoxo,
Natalie Adame, Your Community Service Director
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